
Nuru Massage


Nuru Massage

Nuru massage is a Japanese-origin full body massage where our masseuse will apply the right amount of pressure using their complete body and a special gel made from Nori seaweed. The massage will take you on a spiritual journey and is different from any other traditional Asian massage you can get. The Nuru massage is fit for everyone, and with Asian Massage For You, you can get it in your hotel room at a time that works for you! Get an outcall massage any time.


Why Get a Nuru Massage?

Improve Sleep Quality

A Nuru massage is unlike any other. It reduces cortisol levels which then reduces fatigue and promotes calmness. It will help you relax and sleep better!

Get it With Your Significant Other

Looking for a massage that you can get with your significant other? Try the full body Nuru massage. Discover an intimate connection with your significant other!

Obtain Pain Relief

Is your body in pain, and you don’t want to drive all the way to the hospital or the massage spa? Try the Nuru massage in your hotel room and get relief from all the pain.

Promote Healing

Massages are known for their healing properties, and Nuru massage is also a massage that will promote recovery and healing in the body. It will reduce the time it needs to recover from illnesses and injuries!


Nuru massage can be performed on the massage table, a mattress, or an average bed. But we add more convenience by coming to you to your hotel room.

Improve Blood Circulation

Let our masseuse provide an in-room massage and put the perfect amount of pressure on your body to get the blood moving from congested areas and releasing the pressure. Watch your blood circulation improve right from the first session.

Nuru massage is a Japanese-based full-body massage where our masseuse will apply the right amount of pressure using their complete body and a special stringy gel made from Nori seaweed. The massage will take you on a spiritual journey.

It’s different from any other traditional Asian massage you can get. Unlike conventional massages, this technique requires the therapist to use more than just their hands to bring you rest and comfort. They employ their entire body, from head to toe, to remove the kinks from your body, again, from head to toe.

Asian Massage ForYou’sLas Vegas-basedNuru massage is a good fit for everyone because they can get it in their hotel room at a time that works for them! Get an outcall massage any time and pick the Nuru massage as your first time. We guarantee it has what it takes to leave you feeling relaxed and energized to conquer yet another day of meetings and being in uncomfortable positions for long periods.

Like this city, our service never sleeps, so feel free to book them at odd hours. Make the most of your work or fun trip to Las Vegas by calling our helpline for a Nuru massage.

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Get Ready to Indulge in an Extraordinary Nuru Massage Session at Your Hotel

Your Japanese massage practitioner will arrive at your hotel for a Nuru massage session with the Nuru gel. They may or may not provide a detailed explanation of the process beforehand, so it is important for you to take additional steps to prepare yourself physically and mentally.

  • Do Your Research:Similar to other Japanese practices, a Nuru massage can be intriguing and unconventional for those unfamiliar with it. This technique involves a mutual massage where the therapist uses their body to provide satisfaction and relaxation. It is essential to understand what this entails before scheduling the service.
  • Take a Shower: A Nuru massage is the only type of massage that requires you to shower beforehand. It is recommended not to engage in physical activities such as going to the gym or jogging right before the session. Since the masseuse will have close contact with your body during the massage, it is better to have a pleasant and clean scent.
  • Trim the Relevant Areas:It is advisable to trim your beard and any other areas where you desire heightened sensations. The less hair you have in those parts of the body, the more intensely you will feel the gel and the masseuse’s Nuru-covered body.


Nuru massage is more popular than you may realize, particularly in Las Vegas. You can book this highly sought-after service and expect our massage therapist to arrive at your door within approximately 20 minutes.

So, what’s the hold-up? Give us a call today!



