
Full Body Massage


Full Body Massage

Did you know that a massage helps release endorphins in the body that act as natural painkillers and elevate your mood? They can decrease pain and invoke feelings of pleasure. A full body massage does all that and then some. At Asian Massage For You, our Asian-origin masseuses use multiple techniques to work out all the kinks in your body and leave the body in a state of bliss.

Our masseuse will use Asian massage techniques, like Thai massage, Nuru massage, and more, and even techniques from Swedish massages, deep tissue massage, etc., to make sure you have a good time and relax the way you want!

Like your privacy and don’t want to drive all the way to a massage spa? Don’t worry because Asian Massage For You comes to you! We offer 24-hour massages in Vegas, so book whenever you want for your hotel room, and we’ll be right there!  


Why Get a Full Body Massage?

Improve Range of Motion

A full body massage works on the muscles and soft tissues and can help loosen tightness and improve flexibility and range of motion in the joints. This will also reduce pain and discomfort in your muscles and joints.

Rest & Digest

It’s not uncommon to have areas of tension and pain in the body which tight muscles can cause. A massage will relieve it and help your nervous system enter a “rest and digest” mode. After a full body massage, hormone production balances out, and you have plenty of “feel-good” hormones.

Available 24/7

Tension and pain don’t make an appointment for business hours. They can occur at any time in the body. A full body massage to get rid of them should always be available, and it is with Asian Massage ForYou. Book at any time that’s convenient for you.

In-Room Massage in Las Vegas

Not everyone is comfortable with the idea of a massage since it can be such an intimate experience. This is why we’ve made sure you can have a private and amazing experience in your hotel room!

A Variety To Choose From

With Asian Massage For You, you not only get to choose from various native and expert Asian masseuses but also many types of massages. We offer:

  • Nuru massage
  • Swedish massage
  • Deep tissue massage
  • 4 hands massage
  • Hotel room massage

Skin Refresh

You can have refreshed skin with a full body massage. The friction from the masseuse’s hands, along with the heavenly combination of oils and lotions, gently exfoliates the skin and allows fresh skin cells to emerge for healthy glowing skin.

Did you know that a massage helps release endorphins in the body that act as natural painkillers and elevate your mood? They can decrease pain, invoke feelings of pleasure, and have provided countless other benefits for thousands of years. Our Las Vegas-basedfull-body massageservice does all that and then some. At Asian Massage For You, our Asian-origin masseuses use multiple techniques to work out all the kinks in your body and leave the body in a state of bliss.

Our masseuse will use proven Asian massage techniques, like Thai massage, Japanese Nuru massage, and even techniques from Swedish massages, deep tissue massage, etc., during your full body massageto ensure a good time and let you relax the way you want! If you aren’t comfortable with a massage technique, let them know, and they’ll change tacks immediately.

Do you like your privacy and don’t want to drive to a massage spa? Don’t worry because Asian Massage For You comes to you! We offer 24-hour massages in Vegas, so book a full body massage in Las Vegaswhenever you want for your hotel room, and we’ll be right there! Don’t be shy: Pick a therapist, share your address, and get your hour-long customized full-body massage today.

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Are You Excited for Your First Full Body Massage in Las Vegas?

Are you looking forward to your first-ever full-body massage in Las Vegas, or do you, like most of us, feel ill-prepared for your soothing massage? We get that a full-body massage can make a person feel quite vulnerable.

We also have the perfect remedy to make the pre-massage jitters disappear.

  • Bottoms Up: A massage is like an exercise in many ways. However, unlike exercise, you must hydrate before your session to prepare your muscles for the upcoming session. Hydrating will prevent mutual discomfort during your massage by making your muscles limber and easier to unknot, detoxify, and stretch.
  • Stop Eating:Stop heavy snacking or eating an hour or two before your full body massage to avoid any embarrassing digestion-related events during the session. You can always munch on fruits and nuts to stave off the hunger and avoid bloating, which is sure to follow at the most inopportune times.
  • Turn Off All Digital Devices:It’s not a bad idea to go off-grid during your session, especially if you aim to relax and calm down after a particularly stressful day. Stop the world from contacting you through your phone, turn off the distraction, and lie down for the perfect DND-themed full body massage.


Put yourself first for a change by getting a full body massage in Las Vegas. Satisfy every extremity and relax your screaming joints and pain points with the help of our capable massage therapists. Enjoy a full-body massage today!



